Monday, November 3, 2014

Giant Footsteps to Ballot Box


Voting is a privileged right but only if you defend it by voting tomorrow. Many of us think midterm elections don't mean much. But I'm here to tell you they mean a lot and now more than ever. President Obama needs to finish his term with a successful plate of goals gained. Democrats must hang on to their seats as well as add more seats to keep GOPs from slowing down or thwarting progress.

Obama needs a Congress to define, discuss and decide what’s best for the people and not to lose accomplishments already in place -- health insurance, women’s rights, and much more. Every vote counts and the president invites Republicans to join forces and vote for Democrats as switching party Americans sweeping out the GOP contender.

            Democratic leaders and their campaign workers pulled and tugged from every corner of contenders. They joined forces with Democratic supporters of Organizing for America and over citizens who’ll vote today to change the face of Congress and politicians in the nation’s cities and states. What’s left is to match diligence and to snap diligence crisp as lettuce with footsteps to ramp up winners.

Every Democratic seated is a one-up for saving presidential policy and slam dunking goals for Americans of all race, religion, creed, color, national origin -- rich or poor,  liberal, conservative, gay, lesbian or transgender. Democrats worry that the GOP would overturn hard-fought political gains during Obama’s six years in office, and that they would strive to block or to close doors on every new bill and to stymie work for middle class, an effort that would benefit everyone.

You, dear voter, has the next two years in your sight without myopia. All you have to do is vote in droves if you haven’t voted early. This election matters with extraordinarily high earmarks even though no presidential candidate is on the ballot. (Of course, it’s your right to choose your voting preference but it’s your responsibility to pick someone who’ll work for everyone, not just the privileged few)

Protect America’s future for ordinary citizens whose voice boomerangs from the ballot box. Some might say sleeping political foes lay schematics for daylight battles with the president and Democrats – all against ordinary Americans who pay their salary and health insurance.

Here’s a poem crafted from the past two years in extended gridlock in Washington and spiteful politics without focus on who gets trampled on during a clear day, too.

  Unhidden Agenda
You sit on your backside hatching
political plots with sparks of flame
As steam rises from your sanctuary,
little devils burst forth to keep
you on track while verbal paws push Prez’s
train off track.
Political vendetta, spite, or hatred?
Against women?
Holding binders of women to pick for leadership?
Or to bury breakout equality health care laws -- mo’ value for women & children?
Antics rival Cinderella’s wicked stepsisters’ --
Against working mothers & minimum wage workers:
Women’s rights packed in a U haul to grave yards
for burial deeper than the height of roof-top skylights shooting for stratospheric imprint
while politicians trample women’s rights & bury ordinary citizens in mudslides
Some elected waffle, twaddle, & filibuster over what matters to Americans’ needs & values  
Not a scintilla of change in hearts;
Out of Order to speak for women of color, about contraceptives, about other unsanctified advice.
No to refills or to new seats filled for the contentious with air-filled footballs    